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2020/05/23 23:11

Born in Kobe, currently lives and works in Tokyo Japan.
In addition to the exhibitions, she does live paintings, workshops and participates in many
different kinds of art events.
Shiori Suzuki is an artist who poetically expresses her emotions within, solely by painting dots.
Have you ever experienced something so moving, that it causes you to re-examine your whole perspective of the heart?
For example, the love and warm of those around you, exposing yourself to the many wonders each new day brings, even experiencing sorrow that pushes you to the edge of sanity.
Each of these emotions are the motivation behind Shiori's paintings. The Dot's are cells which form emotions that create a special moment, she dipicts the moment when they form as a thought within her mind.
The Dots within the canvas are not meant to be the picture. Each dot is painted with care and precision. This allows the viewer to feel as if the dot's move both outside the and deep within each painting.
Each minute and delicate dot, is considered a strong characteristic of Japanese culture. The care, effort, and time put into each circle, is the same which you would find in any Japanese craftsman's work.
Shiori's exhibitions are more then just a venue to display and sell her paintings. Ranging from face painting, to collaborations with guests from almost every aspect of the artistic world. Shiori veiws her venues as a way to create a bridge between cultures, creating an atmosphere mutually inspiring and beneficial for all parties involved.
She does not limit her work only to Japan, with invitations to join exhibitions in New York, Spain, Germany, Canada, and France. It is her dream to Share her style of art throughout the world.